Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hmm... Wish we all happy

pls repeat sentence above, then u will feel happy!!!! n more kongkam...

Y u all always sad, emo, down lie????
this should not happen on kongkamness......
wat i wan to say is try to relax ba.....
everything hav different dimentions~~~
try to find happy from everything!!!!!!
if even urself cannot find the happy,
people around you sure cannot find one!!!!
coz no matter how muzh happy peoplpe giv you,
you still hav many excuses 2 make urself feel sad...
happy n sad is juz like a choice~~~
choose the one that u like~~~
n find out the way to achive it!!!!

wish u all happy~~~
really HATE 2 c u all feeling sad!!!!!!!!!!

Director here...
warning u all 2 b happy...


  1. meilinn said...

    my 1st comment on our blog..

    where did our kongkamness gone today?? huhu..
    cum bk~ cum bk~
    yaya, try to find the happiness from everything..

    cheer up yea!!!

    meilinn =)

  2. Anonymous said...

    shu shu shuuuu...
    all sorrowfulness, pls go away
    stay away from us!